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April 22, 2008

Aturcara C++ - Pewarisan / Inheritance

#include "iostream"

class vehicle {
int wheels;
float weight;
void initialize(int in_wheels, float in_weight);
int get_wheels(void) {return wheels;}
float get_weight(void) {return weight;}
float wheel_loading(void) {return weight/wheels;}

class car : public vehicle {
int passenger_load;
void initialize(int in_wheels, float in_weight, int people = 4);
int passengers(void) {return passenger_load;}

class truck : public vehicle {
int passenger_load;
float payload;
void init_truck(int how_many = 2, float max_load = 24000.0);
float efficiency(void);
int passengers(void) {return passenger_load;}

vehicle unicycle;

unicycle.initialize(1, 12.5);
cout << "The unicycle has " <<
unicycle.get_wheels() << " wheel.\n";
cout << "The unicycle's wheel loading is " <<
unicycle.wheel_loading() << " pounds on the single tire.\n";
cout << "The unicycle weighs " <<
unicycle.get_weight() << " pounds.\n\n";

car sedan;

sedan.initialize(4, 3500.0, 5);
cout << "The sedan carries " << sedan.passengers() <<
" passengers.\n";
cout << "The sedan weighs " << sedan.get_weight() << " pounds.\n";
cout << "The sedan's wheel loading is " <<
sedan.wheel_loading() << " pounds per tire.\n\n";

truck semi;

semi.initialize(18, 12500.0);
semi.init_truck(1, 33675.0);
cout << "The semi weighs " << semi.get_weight() << " pounds.\n";
cout << "The semi's efficiency is " <<
100.0 * semi.efficiency() << " percent.\n";

// initialize to any data desired
vehicle::initialize(int in_wheels, float in_weight)
wheels = in_wheels;
weight = in_weight;

car::initialize(int in_wheels, float in_weight, int people)
passenger_load = people;
wheels = in_wheels;
weight = in_weight;

truck::init_truck(int how_many, float max_load)
passenger_load = how_many;
payload = max_load;

return payload / (payload + weight);

// Result of execution
// The unicycle has 1 wheel.
// The unicycle's wheel loading is 12.5 pounds on the single tire.
// The unicycle weighs 12.5 pounds.
// The sedan carries 5 passengers.
// The sedan weighs 3500 pounds.
// The sedan's wheel loading is 875 pounds per tire.
// The semi weighs 12500 pounds.
// The semi's efficiency is 72.929072 percent.


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